
Chapter One :Chapter 1

S City

The echoing sound of sirens pulsated at the entrance of the city center hospital. People pushing and shoving, a dense crowd had gathered, complete with media reporters.

This led many to wonder, what exactly had occurred at the hospital?

Police tape cordoned off the entrance, with officers trying to disperse the gathered crowd.

However, with such a large scene, how would anyone simply disperse without catching a glimpse of the ending spectacle?

Many who had been shooed away soon swarmed back, which understandably caused plenty of headaches.

Consequently, due to the crowd's lack of cooperation, the police had no choice but to abandon their strenuous task.

Suddenly, "Hey, the area is under police tape, entry is restricted!" A police officer suddenly stopped a certain Tong Lixia, examining her closely with furrowed brows.

The officer asked in an icy tone, "What's your name?"

"Tong Lixia." Tong Lixia blinked her uncertain eyes.

The officer nodded and looked her up and down.

She seemed to be around seventeen or eighteen years old, standing approximately 165 cm tall. Wearing a blue uniform, she was... quite pleasant looking and not bad at all.

Then, the officer's gaze fell onto the object in her hand and he asked sternly, "What's that in your hand?"

In her hand?

At his words, Tong Lixia lowered her head to look at the boxed meal in her hand and quickly explained, "Officer, this is a takeout meal! I'm a fast-food worker, I've just come to deliver food!"

Tong Lixia blinked in confusion, looking at the police officer, and asked tentatively, "They won't even let the one delivering boxed lunches in?"

The police officer coughed lightly and said sternly, "There was a theft in the hospital last night, and we are currently investigating. No one is allowed inside. That includes... boxed lunch delivery!"

"But... but this is a patient-ordered meal! It has to be delivered before twelve o'clock, and now it's already eleven forty~ Officer, please make an exception and let me in!"


Just as Tong Lixia was preparing to persist further, her cell phone suddenly rang. Tong Lixia couldn't help but stick her tongue out, casting a longing look at the police officer, and reluctantly pulled her phone out.

As soon as she answered, someone on the other end was roaring, "Tong! Li! Xia! Why haven't you delivered the fast food yet? This is the fourth person to complain about you today!"

"If you don't deliver it soon, you might as well quit!"

Tong Lixia held her phone far away, staring at it with a shocked face, her heart pounding erratically.

Fine, let it be, she was just a part-timer anyway. When the new semester starts, even if you beg me to stay, I won't! Hmph!

However, at this moment, since she was under other people's roof, she should prioritize doing their work.


Even though you're handling a case, us workers still need to make a living. Sorry, officer!


“Someone has barged in—”

“Quickly, stop her, don't let her disrupt our plan!”

From behind, a chorus of angry shouts from the police echoed. Tong Lixia felt like crying but had no tears to shed, thinking, 'Officers, I truly didn't mean for this to happen!'

Tong Lixia secured the lunch box and darted into the hospital lobby.

The number of police pursuing her was growing, but she was quick-witted and agile. There was no way they were going to catch her easily.

As Tong Lixia ran, she yelled, “I'm really sorry, everybody! As soon as I deliver this meal, I promise I'll come back and apologize!” With that, she pushed open the door to the emergency stairs.


Tong Lixia paused, panting heavily, checking the floor number she had marked.


The 21st floor?

Tong Lixia's eyes widened, and she sank down onto the stairs.


Tong Lixia gasped for breath. A theft happened in the hospital? How serious could the theft be if they had set up a police line?

After resting for a few minutes, Tong Lixia checked her watch - already five minutes had passed!

Gathering all her energy, she began to climb upward again.

Just as Tong Lixia was leisurely climbing the stairs, thinking no one would find her, a flurry of footstep sounds came from below.

The footsteps were like waves rushing toward her. Tong Lixia's first thought was to "run". "I only delivered a lunch box; I'm not a thief. After delivering the lunch, could I not just hide myself? Is this really necessary?"

Tong Lixia kept mumbling to herself, her face flushed red and out of breath.


Bowed her head while ascending the stairs, Tong Lixia felt that she had bumped into someone. She awkwardly looked up and, the moment she saw that figure, she screamed out, "Thief! There's a thief here!"

"Mr. Police, the thief is here!"

The person in front of her was dressed all in black, wearing a mask and hat tightly covering himself. All that was visible was a pair of beautiful eyes.

Looking at the silver box held in his hand, this man was undeniably a thief!

Without a second thought, Tong Lixia threw down the lunch box, latched onto the man.

But the man was so tall that Tong Lixia had to look up at him.

She clung to him tightly like an octopus stuck to his body. Suddenly, a icy roar came from above her head, "Let go!"

"I won't! You, the thief, have stirred up a ruckus in the hospital. You will be brought to justice!"

"You... Let go!" The man began to impatiently pry Tong Lixia's clinging fingers from his waist.

Tong Lixia shook her head stubbornly, calling out defiantly, "No!"

Not being able to deliver the lunch box was a minor issue; the biggest deal would be to watch this man be taken away by the police!

"I absolutely won't let go until I brought you to justice!"

The man gasped, about to hit Tong Lixia hard on the neck when the police arrived.

Inside the police car, Tong Lixia and the man sat, one on the left and the other on the right.

The man's face gradually turned gloomy. Tong Lixia seemed to hear the creaking sound of him clenching his fists.

Tong Lixia bit her lower lip, feeling a pang of trepidation. Was he going to attack her?

He had stolen something. This was an attempt at theft.

Tong Lixia was an obstacle in his path of burglary. After murdering to silence her, even if he was killed, he would have taken a life too.

What a worthwhile trade-off for him!

But it was almost laughable. Tong Lixia had always wanted to ride in a more upscale car than a bus.

This police car... it could be considered rather upscale, couldn't it?

"Get out of the car!"

Upon hearing the command, Tong Lixia raised her head and exited the vehicle.

Hardly a moment after they had followed the police into the station, a hurried voice was heard: "Where is our young master?"

"How could our young master be a thief? You must have made a mistake!"

Sitting in the chair, Tong Lixia didn't dare lift her head. She had mistaken a good person.

The man in front of her stared coldly at Tong Lixia. If eyes could kill, Tong Lixia would have died a hundred times over!

"It's our young master's suitcase. Is there a problem?"

"Hey! You shouldn't pry it open! Our young master knows the code. What are you trying to do by forcing it open! Oh no—"

Tong Lixia frowned, listening to the commotion outside. It was just too noisy.

Everyone was talking about 'our young master.' Who on earth is your young master?

Just then, Tong Lixia couldn't help but grumble, "Why would you dress up like a thief if you aren't one? It's easy for people to misunderstand, you know?"

"Also, are you so ugly that you can't bear to go out and let others see you? Dressing up like that in such a setting, only showing your eyes, it's bound to make me misunderstand."

"I didn't mean to bring you to the police station. Why are you always staring at me with your dead fish eyes? Don't you know it's terrifying?"

Suddenly, he roared, "Can you, this damn chattering girl, stay quiet? I'm fed up with your prattle!" He exploded, his eyes filled with fury.

Tong Lixia opened her mouth in surprise, completely taken aback.

It was evident, he was genuinely frustrated with Tong Lixia. This annoying girl was like a stumbling block on his life's path!

Tong Lixia was startled, quickly shut her mouth, and decided not to talk anymore.

Next, the situation unfolded like a plotted scene. What lost cash inside that suitcase?

The suitcase contained a laptop and an expensive camera.

The door opened, and the cop and the man walked in. The man sitting in front of Tong Lixia stood up. Tong Lixia lowered her head, not daring to look up.

The tall figure stood there for a moment before walking towards Tong Lixia.

His gigantic silhouette overshadowed Tong Lixia. As he lifted his hand, his fingertips touched Tong Lixia's chin. Tong Lixia shivered intensely.

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